
by No.1 Plug n Play

Video Players & Editors


mCamView2 is the App for viewing the video of the plug&play IP Cameras.

mCamView 2 is the most intuitive and user friendly application for viewing and controlling the video of IP camera on Android devices. It is simply enough to just key in the ID/password of the IP camera to see the video from your Android devices anywhere, anytime. Besides the live video viewing, remote video settings update, on-screen pan/tilt control are also supported.The latest features: 1. Time Lapse video playback 2. SD Card/NAS/Dropbox playback remotely 3. Event log 4. Share video to other App 5. Temperature monitoring 6. Hardware video decode for better performance 7. improved video finger zoomingPush notification(Google Cloud Messaging) is supported if anything abnormal is happened. Note: 1. There is a 1000 messages/day limitation by Google GCM service. 2. Google GCM service makes no guarantees about delivery or the order of messages. 3. The notification message arrival time may vary depending on Google GCM server.1. Fixed a dropbox login failed problem.

Read trusted reviews from application customers


arash ghazvini

Cm view grrr4r

Alan Cox

Doesnt open


Don't find any cameras in LAN.

Pavel Stan

Don't work

Johnathon Vagts


Ali Kiaie


walter baba

Can't get it to load if I'm not on wifi.

Janet Payne

Accesses Denied... only work if I connected to my network WiFi but 4G will not work or connect.. Please updated it..

Max Xiong

No audio !

chan vincent